Thursday, March 31, 2011

"And all of my friends who think that I'm blessed, they don't know my head is a mess."

That's me. Dark under eye circles and all, learning to love this life I live.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The end to my childhood.

I had what you could probably consider a scary infatuation with the Little Mermaid. Ariel was my idol. I have pictures dating as far back as 1993 with my little grubby hands gripping a Little Mermaid coloring book. My mom tells me I used to cry for Ariel. I think that's why I love swimming so much today.

Ariel wasn't the only one I was obsessed with. I was literally obsessed with all Disney movies I remember I had this little plastic pink chair that I used to station right in front of the TV and watch movies back to back.

One of my earliest memories of my dad was his triumphant victory on Super Mario on the NES. Yes, I know this is the Super Nintendo but this system was my all time favorite.

Long Island beaches will always be a fond memory. I remember beach trips were entire day trips and we used to take enough food and drinks to feed a small militia. I miss those days.

I had an obnoxious amount of Barbies when I was younger. In fact I remember owning a gigantic Barbie doll house that I could actually hide in and it had a fold out mat with working streetlights and the inside had a bath and an elevator and working lights. It was pretty legit.

Rugrats literally taught me everything I know today.

I, like so many other little girls, was obsessed with the Spice Girls. I actually lost a friend once due to a fight on who was allowed "to be" Posh Spice. She was my absolute favorite, I never lost an argument.

Images all found on we<3it.

On my mind this Wednesday morning...

  • Happy 12th birthday baby brother. Feels just like yesterday I'd lay you on top of me and you'd curl up and fall asleep like a little fat caterpillar. Now you're taller than me.
  • I want... correction... NEED a Chow Chow puppy. They look like fat teddies.
  • My hair smells soooo good.
  • I need new shoes... and a new wardrobe.
  • I don't know why I've been wanting a boyfriend lately. Blahhh.
  • I think I'm more in love with the idea of love than I am of falling in love.
  • Whatever.
  • I'm still looking out west. I need to get out of New York.
  • Still on auto pilot.
  • Need new friends.

Image found on we<3it.

Monday, March 28, 2011

emboogie. em, EM boogie.

I'm giving this blogging thing another chance. I mean, why not? Hi. My name's Emely. I'm twenty years old and I hail from Long Island, NY. In my brain I'm everything. I'm a perpetual student, a makeup enthusiast, a retail slave, a Swedish princess but in reality I'm just me -- a complex organism who thinks too much and acts too little. I like to think of myself as an introverted extrovert with thoughts that weigh more than 41 elephants.

I plan to use this blog as ventilation for the beasts running loose in my head.